
Friday, October 20, 2017

My Learning Term 4 WK 1

Hi, this is my learning that I did for the first week of Term 4. It shows how I did through out the week in my learning.

One of my task I did for maths was the AWS worksheet which based on Algebra.
What I did Well: I was able to find the rule to the patterns that was on the worksheet.
What I didn't do so Well:  I was taking my time to answer all of the question that was on the AWS worksheet.
My next steps: Are to use my time wisely.

Oct 20, 2017 1:51:09 PM.jpg

For one of my reading Task for the week we did English Skills book LvL 6.
What I did Well: I was able to understand what I was doing.
What i didn't do Well: I wasn't focused and didn't get as much work done.
My next steps: To be able to concentrate on my learning so I could do better next time.

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